Sunday 31 October 2010

Gary Braunbeck's ‘Return to Mariabronn’ short story available for download!

There was only so much room to fit everything into this month and one of the reading casualties was Ellen Datlow and Nick Mamatas’ ‘Haunted Legends’ collection. The nights in November are just as gloomy and sinister as those in October (if not a little more so) so the aim will be to read the book in the next couple of weeks...

If you haven’t read ‘Haunted Legends’ yet, and are after something to whet your appetite, then you might be interested to know that Gary Braunbeck and members of Ohio State University’s Writers Talk have put together a dramatisation of Braunbeck’s ‘Return to Mariabronn’ (which can be found in ‘Haunted Legends’) and made it available for download. I’ve always enjoyed Braunbeck’s work so when Tor asked me if I’d like to link to the download I was more than happy to do so.

To go directly to the download, click here. If that doesn’t work then try clicking here instead. Braunbeck’s work is always worth a look so I recommend you give this one a shot. It’s only available until sometime tomorrow though so be quick!

Happy Halloween!

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