Wednesday 4 August 2010

The 'Starting to Struggle a Little' Competition Winner's Post!

I’m talking about ‘Wizard’s First Rule’ here, the book that I agreed to have a crack at for Sam Sykes’ Challenge. I’m not going to say too much now (saving it all for the review, whenever that will be) but it’s proving to be heavy going for all the wrong reasons and I’m only just over a hundred pages in! I won’t be beaten by this book though and it will be finished at some point. Hopefully... (At least I have other books to break things up a little bit!)

In the meantime, I’ve got competition winners to announce! Last week saw me offer up five copies of Jeff Vandermeer’s ‘Finch’ to UK readers; this week sees me telling you who those lucky winners were. And they were...

Rosemary Bettit, Brightlingsea, UK
Stephen Stewart, Aberfeldy, UK
Daniel Franklin, Manchester, UK
Nicky Russell, Exeter, UK
Hannah Prosser, Rotherham, UK

Well done guys, your books are on their way! Better luck next time everyone else, I’m working on some competitions that aren’t just ‘UK only’ so hopefully everyone will be able to have a slice of the action!


  1. Thanks again Graeme, looking forward to reading the book.

  2. Yay! Thanks again Graeme, really looking forward to this.

  3. Thanks again from me too Graeme! I thought Wizard's First Rule was a great book (and those that follow) although stylistically it is a little unusual and there are sections I dislike. Keep going!

  4. Thankyou so much :) - I m really looking forward to reading this :)

  5. That is lovely.
    Thank you Graeme for a chance to read this book, talking mushrooms and all!


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