Wednesday 4 August 2010

'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Undead' - Cover Art & Blurb...

It's starting to be all about zombies here this week isn't it? Purely unintentional as it happens! I'll try to squeeze in something 'non-zombie' by the end of the week...

In the meantime, check out the cover art and blurb for the latest 'zombie spin' on an established classic (from Tor this time round),

In the tradition of the blockbuster sensation Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Tor is proud to offer up The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Undead. Taking the original coming of age classic, Don Borchart has inflicted it with a taste of the macabre, as the world has been overrun by a Zombie epidemic that in the South has been dubbed "Zum." Where in the original text you would find Tom Sawyer duping his friends into whitewatching the fence, now in that same scene, Tom and his friends sharpen the edges of the fence to ward off Zombie approaches. Where Tom Sawyer doesn't have to fake his dealth, just merely pretends to be a Zum. The murderous Injun' Joe is the first of the rising self-realized zombies, who know what they are and are even more vicious for it...

Is there a little too much of this popping up right now? Is the joke getting a bit stale? After 'Dawn of the Dreadfuls' I'm inclined to wonder if this is the case... There are zombies to be found inside though and that's all it takes for me to pick it up and give it a go. When my copy arrives I'll let you know what I think...

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