Friday 27 August 2010

Signing Events at Forbidden Planet...

A couple for your diary if you're in the area...

Wednesday 6th October 6 – 7pm

Forbidden Planet is pleased to announce a signing by top Hollywood director Guillermo del Toro. He will be signing his new novel The Fall at the Forbidden Planet Megastore, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR, on Wednesday 6th October 6 – 7pm.

In this fantastic sequel to The Strain, humans have been displaced at the top of the food chain, and now understand what it is to be not the consumer, but the consumed. Ephraim Goodweather, director of the New York office of the Centers for Disease control, is one of the few humans who understands what is really happening. Vampires have arrived in New York City, and their condition is contagious. If they cannot be contained, the entire world is at risk of infection. As the Biblical origins of the Ancient ones are gradually revealed, Eph learns that there is a greater, more terrible plan in store for the human race – worse even than annihilation…

There's nothing like a press release to remind me that the book itself is propping up several others from the bottom of a pile in my bedroom! I'll have to see about that...

Diary Date: Thursday 16th September 6 – 7pm

Forbidden Planet is pleased to announce a signing by Pat Mills and Clint Langley. They will be signing ABC Warriors: The Volgan War Volume 3 at the Forbidden Planet Megastore, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR, on Thursday 16th September 6 – 7pm

The countdown to Zippo’s execution has started! Only the ABC Warriors can stop their comrade from being melted down by the ruthless G Men. If that wasn’t bad enough, the Warriors are also set to be betrayed by another member willing to follow Volkhan and his destructive cause. And just who is the mysterious resistance figure known as the ‘Urban Fox’?

Pat Mills is one of the founding fathers of 2000AD and one of the most respected comic book writers around. He’s created some of the longest-running characters for the title such as Slaine, ABC Warriors and Nemesis The Warlock. His other work includes writing and developing Judge Dredd and Charley’s War.

Clint Langley started his career in the 90’s. His images can be seen worldwide in comics, on novel covers and in the conceptual design for advertising and films. His first comic strip work was Dynosty, which appeared in 2000AD. He’s since worked on various comic strips such as Slaine, Judge Dredd and Warhammer.

I've enjoyed the books in this series that I've read so far, might have to see if I can pop along for this one...

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