Thursday 26 August 2010

I am so excited about this...

So... There's an absolutely amazing series out there at the moment that everyone should be reading, even if they don't think they're a fan. When it's finally done, I think we'll be looking at a classic in the genre, it's that good :o) There are certainly hordes of fans waiting (in the meantime) with bated breath to see what happens next as the writer isn't afraid to kill off favourite characters... And now it's going to be a TV series.

I'm not talking about 'A Game of Thrones' either. Check this out (it doesn't quite fit on the screen though, sorry about that)...

I can't wait for Halloween! What a great time to be a zombie fan. :o) Thanks to Aidan for flagging this one up ;o)


  1. Is there a word that's approximately a million times stronger than psyched? 'Cause that's what I am for this show.

  2. Andrew Lincoln is a little cracker of an actor form the UK. He'll always be 'egg' to me, but this seems like a gift of a storyline for him... a proper grown up horror storyline.

  3. I think the comic book series is GROSSLY overrated. I'm halfway through the tpbs, and it's not getting better. The trailer for the show however looks gorgeous.

  4. Andrew Lincoln and Lennie James are great even f their American accents seem a little wobbly.
    I will be looking for this those heaven knows when we will get it!

  5. Funny, I just picked up the TPB today, but, I am not sure if I want to read it.

    The tv series looks so good, I am thinking I want my susprises to be the show..

    What do you think? Read it? Or watch it for the first time??

  6. Is the beginning stolen from 28 Days Later? Or did 28DL steal it from the comic?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Whoever stole it, 28DL did it better.

    Mike, you can do whatever you like, honestly. I don't think it would matter, as the plot synopsis for the first four or five TPBs of the comic book could be summed up by "Nothing is happening, people are dying"...

    Shameless blog porn: I have reviewed the first 5 tpbs on my blog.


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