Sunday 18 July 2010

Sci-Fi at the BFI

Now that the weather is starting to act more like a proper English summer (instead of it being all sunny and hot, what kind of a summer is that?) the following might interest you if you’re in or around London over the next couple of weeks.

From the press release...

Film Science: Future Human


July & August 2010

Cinema has long striven to imagine the future, near and distant, but what would it mean to live in the societies depicted in such cinematic speculations? Inspired by the Royal Society's 350th anniversary, we present a two-month season that surveys the future human condition as it has been imagined by filmmakers over the years. Titles include Fahrenheit 451,Terminator, The Machine Stops, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris.

For full information go to

It looks like a couple of good ones have been and gone already but there are still some films worth checking out...

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