Sunday 18 July 2010

I didn't want to have to do this...

... but I did.

I'm always up for comments being left on the blog and if you want to post anonymously then that's fine too, so long as it's about the post in question. Why else would you post otherwise?

The answer there is if you're a spammer. I've been fighting this dirty breed for a little while now and I've just got tired of deleting the same old spammy comments over and over again. Seriously you guys, post this rubbish on your own blogs!

As a result, what you'll find now is that certain posts have had the comment moderation thingy switched on. If you're an anonymous poster with something to say about the post then I'm sorry your comment won't go on straight away, I'll get to it as soon as I can. If you're a spammer, I'm not going to release your comment so don't bother even making it...

Edited To Add - I will laugh though if the first person to comment does so anonymously...!


  1. Totally get that, I gave up in the end and I am keeping moderate comment mode, cos I can't stand the constant spam

  2. Why not simply make it so that only registered users can post? It's way easier that way, and registering takes about a minute.

  3. I haven't had problems so far with this. But I think you had have to be a registered user to comment... I don't remember what my settings are.

  4. My sympathies, Graeme. Sucks to have barries between you and your readers but certainly I can see why such things might be necessary. I haven't had much trouble with trolls on TSS yet, but there's still time. Perversely, I kind of enjoy showing those few that have appeared up, but I can see how it could get out of hand. Here's hoping you can open the doors to your blog again soon.

  5. I think that is one way to get rid of the spam.

    Hope, it works for you.

  6. I would take it as a compliment that you have a bit of traffic coming to your blog. I have only had to delete a couple from mine, but will try to smile the day I have to put up veri words.

  7. I get where you're coming from, Graeme. I had to turn the comments off for the reviews I posted of Stephen King's Duma Key and Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan, as they were always the target of spam posts for some reason.

  8. I wish knew how to put word-veri on mine - the spam is flippin killing me.

  9. It's one particular spammer who's being persistent and I think I've got the better of them (fingers crossed!)


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.