Tuesday 2 March 2010

The 'Yeah, it's a day late' Competition Winner's Post!

We only got the keys to the new house on Friday but the demands of wallpaper stripping, sanding and poking loose bits of plaster out of the walls is already playing havoc with the ol' blogging schedule. There's still plenty of work to be done before we can move in (and only three weeks to do it in) so lets see how it all pans out...
In the meantime, here's what should have been yesterday's post! The winners were...

'The Extra'

Christopher Hall, Los Angeles, USA
Ed Tambini, Arizona, USA
Kasey Armstrong, British Columbia, Canada


Kathryn Scholz, Colchester, UK
Stephen Castle, Kent, UK
Roger Robar, Northampton, UK

Well done everyone! Your books should hopefully be on their way very soon... Better luck next time everyone else ;o)


  1. This is great; I am so happy to have won 'The Extra'; I'll be looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the awesome contest!


  2. I have discovered something almost as good as reading books. I speak of course of winning books from the Internet. (My wallet thanks me heartily.) Can't wait to get THE EXTRA and start reading. *eyes stacks of books to be read*

    Thank you for the contest :)


  3. Rock and roll! Thanks Graeme, I read the Farlander review you posted and thought “Wouldn’t it be great if I won that book?” I held off reading the author interview for fear of spoilers.

    When I went to a Steven Erikson signing a couple of years ago in Milton Keynes (I heard about his UK tour through your blog!), my wife said to tell him thanks for making her a widow every few years while I catch up on the Malazan series. If Farlander compares I’ll be very happy.

  4. Stephen Castle2 March 2010 at 11:37

    Thanks a lot im excited to recieve this book thanks graeme


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