Tuesday 2 March 2010

News Bits!

A press release from the Zeno Agency...

Betsy Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief at Del Rey has concluded a deal for US rights for the first three titles in Ben Aaronovitch’s RIVERS OF LONDON series, after an auction conducted by John Berlyne and John Parker at the Zeno Literary Agency. The first two books will be published in Spring 2011.

RIVERS OF LONDON is a fresh and exciting London-based Urban Fantasy focusing on 20-something police constable Peter Grant who finds himself seconded – much to his surprise! – to a secret and arcane branch of the Met specialising in crimes of a supernatural nature, and thus apprenticed to the last wizard in Britain.

“Ben Aaronovitch is a new Del Rey darling,” Mitchell said. “Both male and female readers here were delighted by the character of Peter Grant and Ben’s new take on the urban paranormal genre.”

Aaronovitch is best known as the writer of the classic Dr Who story "Remembrance of the Daleks.

I'm not sure the world needs another Urban Fantasy but 'Remembrance of the Daleks' is a favourite Doctor Who story of mine, I'll check this one out.

In other news, if you've been following Gav's Blog then you'll know that he's setting up an electronic magazine publishing short stories. He's quick on the ball and is accepting submissions for the first issue! Click Here for more information.

And finally, UK fans of Kelley Armstrong (who didn't know this already) will be pleased to know that she's going to be in the UK, for the first time, between March 21st and 23rd for a series of book signings. I don't know quite where she's going to be as yet though, I'll let you know as soon as I know!

1 comment:

  1. Ben Aaronovitch's novelization of REMEMBRANCE OF THE DALEKS was very good. However, he also wrote BATTLEFIELD, which was a bit pants, and his work on the New/Missing Adventures line was patchy.

    At his best he is a very good writer indeed.


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