Monday 18 January 2010

The 'Slightly Late' Monday Morning Competition Winner's Post!

Slightly late... Not only did the Aaron Dembski-Bowden interview take pride of place today (scroll down and have a read!) but my system is currently being propped up by coffee and not much else. I want to sleep...
Enough of that though! This post is all about who won last week's competitions after all. Those lucky people are...

'The Golden City' (John Twelve Hawks)

Mystica Varathapalan, Sri Lanka
Rick Fennelly, Maine, USA
Thomas Anderegg, Switzerland

'The Judging Eye' (R. Scott Bakker)

Jan Wroblewski, London
Peta Banks, Norwich, UK
Marie Tetley, Bognor Regis, UK

Well done guys, your books are on their way even as we speak!
Better luck next time everyone else, scroll down a bit and see if you fancy your chances at either of this weekend's competitions...


  1. Thank you for sponsoring this giveaway and congratulations to the other winners

  2. Oh dear (she lies) now I *have* to break my book buying ban and buy 'The Prince of Nothing'! :) Thank you!

  3. It seems I'll have to give yet another series a try :)
    Thanks a lot!

  4. Thank you, I can't wait to start reading it!

  5. Awesome! Thanks very much! This is the first contest I've won in... quite a while. :D

  6. I just received my book in the post this morning. Thank you once again.


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