Tuesday 19 January 2010

New Blogs on the Blogroll...

First things first, I'm shamelessly stealing this idea from Aidan who totally got there first. It's a great idea though and an alternative that's far easier on the eye than going through my blogroll trying to work out what's new and what isn't... ;o)
If it's on my blogroll then it's worth your time reading it (except if I forgot to put a great blog on my blogroll then... it's still worth your time!) so here goes...

'Floor to Ceiling Books'

Here's someone who could almost be me, diving into a book to get away from the tedium of the day job. Amanda isn't just about books though (although her posts for January suggest otherwise...) and also talks about 'Buffy' as well as publishing and her thoughts on the interaction between authors and their readers. Check out Amanda's blog over Here.

'The Speculative Scotsman'

I love a blog where you feel like you've been reading it forever even though it's only just kicked off. That's the deal with N. R. Alexander's blog, a guy who not only says it exactly how it is but already has a blog full of content that you just have to read. Again, this blog isn't just about books as it takes in games and movies too. And horror is on the agenda, something that is a little under-represented in the blogs that I frequent. Hopefully Mr Alexander is going to be around for the long haul! Check out his blog over Here.

'Stomping on Yeti'

I'm a sucker for a blog with a cool name and 'Stomping on Yeti' is possibly one of the coolest names I've come across so far :o) I haven't seen any sign of real 'Yeti Stompage' though (not even a toy Hoth Wampa under booted foot...) but I'm sure that will be happening soon. Please let it happen...!
What you do get though is a guy who really knows what he's on about with detailed book reviews, commentary on covers and news. He's also not afraid to let you know what he hates about your blog. I'm suitably chastised and will do better! Check out Patrick's blog over Here.

That's all the new blogs on the blogroll for now, what am I missing that needs to be there as well? I'm talking sci-fi/fantasy/horror review stuff naturally :o)
Comments please!


  1. Thanks so much for the linkage, Graeme - it means a lot to have a bonafide recommendation from you, too.

    There's some great stuff coming up on TSS in the near future, too, if I don't mind saying so myself, and clearly, I don't. Most excited about a new regular feature in the works about the books, films and video games that made me... well, me.

    But enough shameless self-promotion! Yeti's the man too, a bit mean but brilliant all the same, and Amanda has a special place in my heart for commenting on an early TSS post in ye olden days of last week - not to mention all her great reviews and the grand Buffy rewatch she's got going on.

    Thanks again, Graeme. Appreciate the shout-out ever so much.

  2. Graeme, Thanks for the link as well. I'll try to dedicate a good old fashioned YetiStomp just for you.

  3. Can I please join in the massive thanks? This is my first major link and it's made me feel all warm and fuzzy on this cold Jan morning!

  4. I hope you're not the only one who nicks the idea from me! It's a great way to spread the love and discover new (and great) bloggers.


  5. Thanks for these links! Onto the Google Reader they go.

  6. All three added to my reader. Thanks for alerting us to even more great original content. I can always count on you Graeme...Great idea too by the way...

  7. @Aidan - I had the same thought...

  8. Now now, chaps. It's hardly like there's an idea out there someone hasn't had before them.

    Although the next feature I have coming up on TSS, well... ;)

  9. Sorry folks...I meant great idea all the way around...


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