Wednesday 21 October 2009

One More Week to 'The Gathering Storm'...

And I'm kinda 'half and half' about the whole thing really. I want to see what happens next, and how it all ends, but I'm not as excited as I thought I would be. 'Crossroads of Twilight' really threw me off my stride and 'Knife of Dreams' didn't quite get me back into the swing of things. I guess we'll see what happens next... I just want to hear someone say this...

In the meantime, Youtube (and Tor) has thrown up a whole load of videos that should hopefully keep WOT fans ticking over until the big day arrives...

Rare footage of Team Jordan talking about 'The Gathering Storm'GS

Brandon Sanderson's thoughts on the level of detail behind 'The Wheel of Time'

Members of the WoT community sharing how they first discovered the series

More than a book: writer and WoT re-reader Leigh Butler talks about her experiences with the WoT community.

If you're in the US and you're after information on the signing tour, for 'The Gathering Storm', then you need to click right Here...


  1. "I killed Asmodean." if only it could be this straightforward. I wonder if the answer will be in this book. I also wonder what reaction I'll have. I'm guessing it will be along the lines of: "FINALLY!"

    T minus 6 days!

  2. Well, it won't be done withOUT a ton of "crossing arms under breasts" and "adjusting skirts."


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