Sunday 23 August 2009

Giveaway! 'Dust of Dreams' - Steven Erikson

Here is the point where I would normally spout off about how this particular book is at the top of the reading pile (etc etc) but we all know what happened last time I said this about a Malazan book don't we...? So, erm... yeah... I'll be reading it quite soon (hopefully...)

In the meantime, Transworld have very kindly offered three copies of 'Dust of Dreams' for a competition on this very blog! The only thing is that this giveaway is for UK readers only, no-one else I'm afraid.

Still here? Brilliant! All you have to do to enter is drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. I'll do everything else! :o)

I'll be letting this one run until August 30th and will announce the winners on the 31st.

Good Luck!


  1. Oh shoots. Count me out then. But I just wanted to leave a comment though. The cover looks great. Has me wanting to check it out.

  2. UK only.... I will be at heathrow for a couple hours for a plane connection would that count.. I know it does not but I had to try...guess I'll have to cough up the 20 pound when I'm there

  3. I live in Germany and sent a pre-order for the paperback to Book Depository UK and it will be delivered in November. They deliver free.

    This is a good opportunity for all people outside UK. will sell the book in January 2010 !!

  4. As a big Malazan fan I will definately enter this one!


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