Monday 24 August 2009

Competition Winners!

Morning all!

I hope you had a great weekend and that Monday morning in the office (or where ever you are) isn't being too tedious. Monday mornings here are always on the tedious side and I'm wishing that I was at home reading some of the books I started over the weekend. Which reminds me... This week you can expect to see reviews of S.A. Swann's 'Wolfbreed' (very good) and Harry Connolly's debut 'Child of Fire' (also very good!) amongst others; for the sake of a little variety I will probably throw in Warren Fahy's 'Fragment' as well (which wasn't very good at all...)

In the meantime though, thanks to everyone who entered the 'Strange Brew' and 'King's Daughters' competitions. There could only be three winners for each though and these lucky folks were...

'Strange Brew'

Christoff Knudsen, Brossard, Canada
Amanda Makepeace, Georgia, USA
Wanda Mardel Sissle, California, USA

'The King's Daughter's' - Nathalie Mallett

Joe Scanlon, Wisconsin, USA
John Millheim, Florida, USA
Gef Fox, Nova Scotia, Canada

Well done (and happy reading) everyone! Your books will be on their way really soon. Better luck next time everyone else. We've got a Bank Holiday coming up next weekend so I'll see what I can arrange for then... :o)


  1. Wow, what a wonderful start for a Monday (although I haven't gone to bed yet!). I've been looking forward to this book all summer, on a school employee's budget- which means no paycheck in the summer, which means no big book shopping sprees....

    I feel so luck, and grateful. Thank you very much. I know I'm going to enjoy this anthology; there are a lot of writers I love to read in this one.

    Thanks again! (on that note, I'm going to bed now, a happy woman!)

  2. I second that! This is a great way to start to the week. I can't wait to begin reading!

    Thanks again,


  3. Thanks a ton! Finally a winner. I can't wait to start reading it.

  4. Sweet, my first ever blog-giveaway win. Thanks!

  5. I am the winner for The King's Daughters'. I am really looking foward to reading it! Thankyou so much Graeme's Fantasy Book Review

  6. Woo-hoo. Just got online today to see this. Nice. :)


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