Sunday 5 July 2009

July Reading...

Here's a quick look at some of the books that I hope to get round to reading this month (courtesy of the Mos Eisley Cantina Band!) Notice that I said 'hope', there's a few books here that have been waiting to be read for a long time now... (apologies for the slightly dodgy photo, my camera phone isn't great...)

'Viriconium' and 'The Best of Michael Moorcock' are books that I've been dipping in and out of for a few weeks now, they may not be finished this month. I could say the same about 'Toll the Hounds' and 'Return of the Crimson Guard', the plan is to read at least one (hopefully both) of these when I go on holiday in a couple of week's time...

Are there any books on the July pile (which may be added to depending on what else arrives) that you'd like to see me bump up for an early read? I've never read anything by Storm Constantine so 'The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence' could be read sooner rather than later... Or are you just appalled that I still haven't managed to catch up with Erikson (especially as Pat is working his way through the page proofs for 'Dust of Dreams'...) Comments please! :o)


  1. Exactly how long have you had 'Toll the Hounds' on your list now? You ought to be getting around to it, I think!

  2. There is always a reason when you are dipping in and out books. From my experience it means you are not in the right mood for these books. Reading should be fun and not a must. In this case I always read something completely different. I is a good opportunity to "dive" into the last row of your book shelf. I did it last Friday and "found" the German edition of ACACIA by David Anthony Durham. I'm 250 pages in and I really like it.
    Beside this I saw Twelve by Jasper Kent on your pic. Maybe you try this. I will receive my copy within next week.
    Anyway I'm sure you will find an enjoyable read.

  3. The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence is the third book in the second Wraeththu trilogy. It's the only one of the six books I haven't read, but it's probably not the best starting point for the series. I'd recommend starting from the very beginning of the first trilogy or at the very least the first book in the Wraeththu Histories trilogy (which is the trilogy this one is a part of). In spite of the name, Histories takes place after events in the original series, except for the first book which fills in the gaps between books 2 and 3. I think they'd make more sense after reading the original series, though.

  4. I'm curious to know if you think Twelve is everything everyone makes it out to be...

  5. The Violet series (beginning with Through Violet Eyes, under the Cantina band) is great. I'm curious how Blood of Ambrose is. I can't make out some of the titles, but those two are the ones I recommend. ;-)

  6. James - I know, I know... *hangs head*

    ed - You're exactly right. At least I've read some very good books in the meantime :o)

    Thanks for the heads up Kristen! :o) It looks like it could be a good read though so I'm going to give it a go anyway (with wikipedia, or something like it, close to hand!)

    Ben & Kendall - As luck would have it, I'm finishing up with/just starting on 'Through Violet Eyes' and 'Twelve' as we speak ;o)

  7. Oh, I'm keen to find out if God of Clocks is any good.
    Reviews for Alan Campbell's other efforts have been kinda variable, but I found their macabre inventiveness refreshing.

  8. I agree with Kristen about the Wraeththu books. You need to start at the beginning:^)


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