Saturday 4 July 2009

Giveaway! 'Claudius' (Douglas Jackson)

Although Douglas Jackson's 'Caligula' was sometimes a 'stop/start' affair I still had a good time reading it and will be looking to read the follow up, 'Claudius', sooner rather than later. Do you guys fancy reading 'Claudius' too? Here's the blurb from Amazon...

The year is 43AD ...In Southern England, Caratacus, war chief of the Britons, watches from a hilltop as the scarlet cloaks of the Roman legions spread across his lands like blood. In Rome, Emperor Claudius, newly risen to the imperial throne, dreams of taking his place in history alongside his illustrious forebears Caesar and Augustus. Among the legions marches Rufus, keeper of the Emperor's elephant. War is coming and the united tribes of Britain will make a desperate stand against the might of Rome. The Emperor has a very special place for Rufus and his elephant in the midst of the battle - as a secret weapon to cow the Britons with the visible manifestation of Rome's power...

Sound good to you? Thanks to Transworld Books I have three copies of 'Claudius' to give away to three lucky winners. Anyone can enter this competition, it doesn't matter where you live!

Entering is as easy as ever. Simply drop me an email telling me who you are and what your mailing address is, I'll do the rest :o)

I'll let this one run until the 12th of July and announce the winners on the 13th.

Good Luck!


  1. I haven't been following you for long, but i wanted to say I love you choice of books.

  2. this sounds great - am sending an email now

  3. Hi Deborah - Thanks for your comment, the best way to start a Monday morning! :o)

    Gaby - Got your email, consider yourself entered! :o)


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