Sunday 4 January 2009

The 'What books did you get for Christmas?' Post...

Over the next few days (or weeks) I'll be posting reviews of the books and DVDs that I found waiting for me under the Christmas tree and I thought that I'd use this post to turn the tables a little and find out what books etc you got and your thoughts so far...

So, what did you get? How far along are you with your Christmas reading? Are you reading something so cool that you think everyone should pick it up? On the other hand, did an elderly relative make a random purchase (because they know you like stuff with dragons in it) and you're now stuck reading something truly awful?

Tell me, and everyone else, right here! :o)


  1. nobody got me any books, or book tokens or anything remotely bookish. :(
    Although I did spend the cash gift from my parents getting the unbound bookmarks made up. :)

  2. The 2nd and 3rd books of The First Law, which I am devouring post haste. I also have many gift cards to burn at Amazon, B&N and Borders when I get the withdrawal shakes.

  3. I received two books for Christmas Dr. Futurity by Philip K. Dick and The Deeper Meaning of Liff by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd. I also reveiced some Chapters gift cards which I have not spent yet.

  4. I didn't get any books, I got a laptop instead (which is a friggin' awesome gift). So I've been picking up books for myself lately. I went to the library and got a bunch of books I keep hearing about. "Thunderer," "Shadowbridge" and "Shadow of the Wind" are all sitting in my pile right now. So far "Shadow of the Wind" seems like a winner. I bet I rave about than one all year.

  5. I really got books:

    Malazan Book of the Fallen
    1. Gardens of the Moon
    2. Deadhouse Gates
    3. Memories of Ice
    4. House of Chains
    5. Midnight Tides
    6. The Bonehunters
    7. Reaper's Gale
    8. Toll the Hounds
    All by Steven Erikson

    Malazan Empire
    1. Night of Knives by Ian C Esslemont

    Lone Wolf and Cub Volume 1: The Assassin's Road: 1 by Kazuo Koike

    I read the manga on Christmas eve.

    I started with GARDENS OF THE MOON and read 200 pages so far. Really fascinating but it takes more time to read forme because I think about things during reading.

    I also like to read parallel an other book with a different topic.
    So today I started to read THE AFFINITY BRIDGE by George Mann. London, Victorian Age, mystery and steampunk. Ilove this mix.

  6. No books or books tokens for me :o(

    But, I did get a Sony eReader :o)

    It's fab. I is one happy gal!

  7. I used some Christmas money to buy Donaldson's Fatal Revenant and Stover's Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor, so I now own everything published by those two (two of my favorite authors.) I've also got a $20 gift card to Half Price Books that I haven't spent yet.

  8. There's some pretty cool sounding reading there, I'm jealous! :o)

  9. Survive! by Les Stroud. While it wasn't the only book on my list, my To Be Read pile is huge and I'm hoping the lack of new books will help drive me to thin down my pile some.

  10. None! :( But I gave a few books as gifts.

  11. Tia - I can't see you needing many more books! ;o)


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