Monday 5 January 2009

Competition Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered the competitions that I ran over the course of Christmas Week. If the number of entries is anything to go by then some of the new releases should do very well!

Without further ado, the winners are...

'The Secret War' and 'The Horde of Mhorrer' (M.F.W Curran)

Stephen McNally, Limerick, Ireland

'Dragonfly Falling' (Adrian Tchaikovsky)

Daniel Miller, London, UK
Stephen Stewart, Aberfeldy, Perthshire
Chris Yearley, Heathcote, UK

'The Winter of the World Trilogy' (Michael Scott Rohan)

Jeff Timmers, Colorado, US

'Raven: Bloodeye' (Giles Kristian)

Belinda Yaxley, Tasmania, Australia
Judith Rachmani, Israel
Rahul Das, India

'The Ancient' (R.A. Salvatore)

Steven Kearney, Burnley, UK
Martien Siebers, Netherlands
Steven Van Bael, Belgium

'Twisted Metal' (Tony Ballantyne)

Yagiz Erkan, Cork, Ireland

'Twelve' (Jasper Kent)

Evangelos Evlogidis, Enfield, UK
Cecilia Goodfellow, Texas, US
Maria Crujo, Lisbon, Portugal

Well done guys, your books will be on their way very soon! :o)
Better luck next time everyone else, I've got a couple of ideas for competitions that I'd like to run so keep your eyes open... ;o)


  1. Thanks so much Graeme! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your blog and thank you for this fantastic giveaway. I'm thrilled to be a winner. I can't wait to read Raven: Blood Eye, it sounds brilliant. Looking forward to delving into the very different world of these eighth century Vikings!

  2. Wow. What a wonderful way to start the new year! I'm so excited to be receiving "Raven: Bloodeye" and checking out this new author. Thank you so much.

  3. Thank you Graeme. I have been subscribed to your blog for quite a while and your reviews have helped me make some buying decisions in the past. I am elated that I have won in your giveaway. Can't wait to receive the book. Thank you once again :)

  4. Thanks a lot Graeme, very pleased to have won a copy of Dragonfly Falling. Empire In Black And Gold was great so I am really looking forward to reading this one.

  5. Woohoo! :) Thanks a lot Graeme! Thanks for organizing the giveaways and thanks for running an awesome blog. I've never read one of Ballantyne's books and Twisted Metal looks like a good one to start with. It's also exciting to know that I'll be reading it before the public release :). This is an excellent start to the new year :).

    I'm looking forward to reading my new book and I thank you again for organizing the giveaways.

    Happy New Year!

  6. Brilliant Graeme, thanks, looking forward to checking these out.

    And thanks for your blog, there was a time that when I found an author I liked I read everything they'd written before moving on. Not anymore, I'm constantly reading different authors now.

  7. Thanks Graeme. I'm really glad to have won The Ancient. You're doing a great job with the blog. Keep up the good work.


  8. Thanks Graeme, this book looks really good and it gives me an excuse to go out and get the first one as well. will be keeping an eye on this blog as well .

  9. Wow! Thanks a lot for this opportunity, I'm really glad to have one "twelve", and I'm definitely looking foward to read it :) seems really great!
    Thank you for such an awesome blog!

  10. Graeme,

    What can I say! Winning a signed copy of Twelve is a wonderful way to start the New Year and I would like to thank you wholeheartidly for not only running these great competitions but also taking the time to run such an informative blog.

    Keep writing and I'll keep reading.

    All the best for the New Year


  11. Thanks Graeme! I'm so happy I won "Twelve"! I'm an avid reader and will watch for more great giveaways. Happy New Year!

  12. Woot!! That's great Graeme, I've been trying to track down Rohan's series for about a year now, without much luck. I can't wait to read it. Thanks.

  13. Great start to the new year, thanks Graeme! Only been reading the blog a few weeks but very impressed with it.

  14. I hope you enjoy your books everyone! :o)


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