Sunday 28 December 2008

The 'I'm Back!' Link-Up Spectacular!

I'm back (and I'm pleased to be back!) Hope you all had a great Christmas. I did, I was the only person in the house who didn't come down with a foul and debilitating illness over the last week :o) Once I managed to get everyone else to stop coughing I was able to get some peace and quiet for some quality reading time! :o)
I'm back to work tomorrow (oh joy) and need to sort myself out for that hence the extremely lazy links to what everyone else has been posting just recently. It's all good though so get clicking on the links...

Who's that talking about some of his favourite books of 2008 over at The Book Smugglers? He sounds like he knows what he's talking about... ;o)

Adam reminds us that voting is now open for the David Gemmell Awards. Don't just stop there though, have a look at his two part Wertzone Awards as well.

Larry's review of Graphic Novels Read in 2008 makes for interesting reading and he also got round to reading/reviewing Kristin Cashore's 'Graceling'.

James has an end of year review and his top five reads of 2008.

Tia and Mulluane get together for a Debut Showcase.

Fantasy Book Critic invites Jaine Fenn over for a 2008-09 Review/Preview amongst other things, this guy doesn't stop! :o)

Mark Chitty looks at Eric Brown's Kethani.

Ken gives us a A Few Links for the Holidays.

Last of all (but by no means least), John shows us the best use for origami, ever...

What am I doing (other than trying to decide what shirt to wear tomorrow, *sigh*...)? The next few days will see a little bit of everything with at least one book review, me talking about what I watched over Christmas and how 'The Goon' is still a series that I think everyone should have a look at...

Have a great weekend! :o)

P.S Thanks to everyone who dropped me a line to wish me a Happy Christmas :o) I didn't get round to replying but I hope you all had a great one too!

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