Saturday 27 December 2008

Giveaway! 'The Secret War' and 'The Horde of Mhorrer' (M.F.W. Curran)


Hope you're all having a great Christmas Break so far, by the time you read this I'll be driving back up from Plymouth with the depressing knowledge that I'll be back at work on Monday, stupid holidays not lasting forever...

In the meantime, how would you like to win more books? For my final Christmas Competition Pan Macmillan have very kindly agreed to offer up one set of M.F.W Curran's 'The Secret War' and 'The Horde of Mhorrer' (which I plan to get round to in the New Year) to one lucky winner (UK and European entries though, sorry about that...)...

If you want to be that lucky winner then all you need to do is drop me an email telling me who you are and where you live. I'll do the rest! :o)
This competition will run until January 4th 2009 and I'll annouce the winner the next day...

Good Luck!


  1. Graeme,
    you sweeten my weekend.
    Both books are on my list.
    Therefore I cannot do otherwise but take part in the giveaway.

  2. Thye look great books I'd love to win them my emails on its way! Thanks for offering this great giveaway.


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