Sunday 30 March 2008

The 'I've got a horrible feeling that I'm still hungover' link bonanza!

I've just got back from a great weekend in Sheffield with all my mates from the SFX forum; lightsaber fights, Chinese food and pretty much all the Star Trek films. Good times... :o)
I've hardly had any sleep and I'm wishing that I hadn't drunk quite so much! Here's some links for you, I'm going to bed after I've posted this...

The Book Swede has what may be the first review of Brian Ruckley's Bloodheir, he also introduces us to his Pile of Shame...

There's been a lot of talk about 'blog reviews' just recently. Jay Tomio has this to say...

Pat didn't think an awful lot of Andrzej Sapkowski's 'The Last Wish'

Over at Fantasy Debut it's time for a 'debut showcase' and it's Elizabeth C. Bunce's A Curse As Dark As Gold in the frame.

Tobias Buckell has a quick word to say about the Green Man Review's Best of 2007 List.

SQT has a guest review for Vikki Pettersson's Scent of Shadows

Last but not least, Thrinidir over at Realms of Speculative Fiction has a look at Ursula K. Le Guin's The Lathe of Heaven...

What am I doing while all this is going on? I've just finished Mark Charan Newton's debut novel, 'The Reef', and will be reviewing it soon. I'm now reading Gary Braunbeck's latest 'Cedar Hill' novel 'Coffin County', it's pretty damn good so far :o)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mentions and kudos to you -- managing to finish a book over a lightsaber, alcohol, Chinese food-filled weekend! ;)


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