Friday 28 March 2008

Going on a train ride...

... in the next hour or so which means I have to carry a lightsaber (don't ask!) across a London that is not so used to these things...
It's going to be a good journey though because not only am I reading Mark Charan Newton's 'The Reef' (very good so far) but I've just had copies of 'The Born Queen' (the book I've been looking forward to most this year!) and Gary Braunbeck's 'Coffin County' land on my doormat. I may just decide not to get off the train and keep on reading! ;o)

Have a great weekend!


  1. Lightsaber. Um. Cool. We won't judge you, Graeme. It's OK. ;)

    Y'know, the words "don't ask" make me *really* want to ask! :D


  2. Lightsabers are cool. But I prefer my BlasTech rifle.


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