Tuesday 28 August 2007

Who fancies a copy of 'Crystal Rain'?

I don't normally just give away books without having reviewed them first. After all; if I'm going to give away books then I want them to be as good as possible, what would be the point of giving you guys rubbish? This one's a little bit different though... A few weeks ago I reviewed Tobias Buckell's 'Ragamuffin' and thought it was bloody brilliant (no holds barred space opera with big guns never fails where I'm concerned), so brilliant in fact that I took advantage of a post on Tobias' blog to ask him for a review copy of 'Crystal Rain'. Now I'm not sure what happened next (personally I'm blaming Royal Mail) but the upshot is that I now have a hardback and paperback copy of 'Crystal Rain'. I only need one copy to read/review and this is where you come in. Who wants my other copy of 'Crystal Rain'? You do!
You know what to do, just send me an email (address at the right hand side of the screen) telling me that you want the spare copy. Also let me know if you fancy the paperback or the hardback copy, the hardback has a slight tear to the cover (on the spine) where a feral postman thought he heard the word 'rook' instead of 'book' and decided to have a nibble...
I'll print out all the entries and the winner will be whoever's entry is nibbled by the mouse that is evading all my attempts to capture it, I'll tell you who won next Monday.

Good luck!


  1. Funny, I was going to give this away too. I'll put a note on my blog that you've got one up for grabs and see if anyone is interested...

  2. well a book to readon my hols - thank you very much (and thanks to the mouse too for the extra decoration!!!) I look forward to receiving it...

    btw - nice little blog here.... I suspect I may find myself being a regular here


  3. The book's in the post, hopefully you should get it in the next couple of days :o)


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