Saturday 25 August 2007

Previously, on Graeme's Fantasy Book Review...

I was looking at my first post for August and realised, with some embarrassment, that I've read hardly any of the books that I said I was going to look at this month (stupid job, getting in the way!) So, when Chris asked what kind of things I've got coming up I really wasn't sure what to say...
I'm reading Nathalie Mallet's 'The Princes of the Golden Cage' right now and am will be posting a review tomorrow. All I'll say for now is, "it's a great book, get yourself a copy". After that, I'll be getting stuck into Terry Brooks' 'The Elves of Cintra' and Christopher Moore's 'Fluke' amongst others. 'The Name of the Wind' is giving me reproachful looks, every time I look at my bookshelf, so expect to see a review on that at some point.
"What else?" I hear you say, "will there be anything else?" As a matter of fact there will. I'll be talking to Mike Carey about his latest Felix Castor novel ('Dead Men's Boots') in the next couple of weeks so be sure to pop back here and see what he has to say. I'm also looking at possibly meeting up with Terry Brooks when he comes over to England in September.
There's going to be some great stuff happening here in the next few weeks so don't go away! (And if you do have to go away, make sure you come straight back afterwards...)


  1. I just looked over the books I've read for August and had the same thought. Where did the month go and why wasn't more of it spent reading?!

    Good luck in kicking work back to a manageable level.

  2. The same happened to me! And probably will happen again! At least i prompted a post, though :P

    Hope you're keeping well.

    I've been off Internet connection this last week-ish, but everything sorted now :)

    The Book Swede


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