I'll be picking this book up next week (haven't read much, if anything, from the Warhammer Fantasy line yet), how do you fancy winning yourself a copy?
Here's the blurb...
The Reiksguard knights are entrusted with the sacred duty of the Emperor's protection from foes within and without. Under the command of Marshal Kurt Helborg, the Reiksguard live and breathe their code of loyalty, courage, strength and honour.
But in the midst of a ruinous war, the young knight Delmar von Reinhardt discovers that this most venerated order hides deadly secrets.
Battling an unholy alliance of a goblin warlord and an ogre tyrant, Delmar must unearth the truth no matter which noble knight he should find at its heart.
How does that sound? Well, thanks to the Black Library, I have five copies of 'Reiksguard' to give away to anyone who fancies their chances at winning. By 'anyone' I mean 'anyone', this competition is open to everyone (it doesn't matter where you live!)
Entering is as easy as ever, simply drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is.
I'll let this one run until the 24th of May and will announce the winners on the 25th.
Good Luck!
I would have never heard of Richard Williams if not for your blog. Sometimes I'm woefully uninformed.
My daughter is getting into this type of book - enter me please
Deborah - There's so much stuff out there, I don't think I'll ever find it all...
Remarker - If you've dropped me an email then you're in! :o) If you haven't then I'm afraid you're not... :o(
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