If you hang around here you’ll already know how much I’ve enjoyed reading Charlie Huston’s ‘Joe Pitt’ books (gangster vampire noir in Manhattan) and ‘Half the Blood of Brooklyn’ was no exception. Have a look at my review over Here

So here’s the deal, you email me (address in the top right hand corner of the screen) and tell me whether you’re after the UK or American edition of ‘Half the Blood of Brooklyn’ (and give me your mailing address). I’ll announce the winners (and who got the extra book) next Friday. It really is that simple.
Good Luck!
P.S. I’ve had a few people emailing me saying that they’re not too happy giving out their address to a random guy on the net. That’s completely understandable so I just want to say that the only reason I ask for mailing addresses is so that I can get books to people as soon as possible. People’s addresses are not used for any other purpose and all emails are deleted after each competition closes.
Hope that clears things up!
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