Thursday 15 November 2012

One for 2013? 'The Farm' - Emily McKay (Berkeley UK)

There hasn't been a lot of time for reading/reviewing this week (see yesterday's post) but this book came through the door yesterday evening and I thought it was worth a post here. Check it out,

For Lily and her twin sister Mel there is only the Farm ...

It's a prison, a blood bank, a death camp - where fear and paranoia rule. But it's also home, of sorts. Because beyond the electric fence awaits a fate much, much worse. 

But Lily has a plan. 

She and Mel are going to escape - into the ravaged land outside, a place of freedom and chaos and horrors. Except Lily hasn't reckoned on two things: first, her sister's ability to control the horrors; and, secondly, on those out there who desperately want to find and control Mel. 

Mel's growing power might save the world, or utterly end it. But only Lily can protect Mel from what is to come... 
Horror on the inside and even worse on the outside? A blood bank, are we talking vampires here?Yep, I'll have some of that :o)  'The Farm' will be published in February next year and it looks like there will be a whole load of stuff happening on Twitter before then. I'm intrigued enough to give this one a go before the release date, possibly sometime next month. How about you? Has this one caught your eye?


  1. Sounds very interesting - I'll keep an eye out on this one. It'll be good to see some non romantic vamps in fiction again :)


  2. Just started this one, and it's a lot of fun so far :)


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