Tuesday 20 November 2012

One for 2013? 'A Conspiracy of Alchemists' (Liesel Schwarz)

Today was meant to be a 'Red Country' review but that clearly isn't happening (hopefully tomorrow instead...) so today is going to be about another 2013 release instead. ARCs arrive and they may/may not be read so I figured it would be worth flagging up a few of the potentially noteworthy ones here. Like this one...

It is 1903, and the world is divided between light and shadow. On the side of light is a wondrous science that has transformed everyday life by harnessing magical energies to ingenious new technologies. But each advance of science has come at the expense of shadow—the traditional realm of the supernatural.

Now two ancient powers are preparing to strike back. Blood-sucking immortal Nightwalkers and their spellcasting Alchemist allies have a plan to cover the whole world in shadow. All they require is the sacrifice of a certain young woman whose past conceals a dangerous secret.

But when they come after Elle, they get more than they bargained for. This enterprising young woman, the daughter of a scientific genius, has reserves of bravery and determination that even she scarcely suspects. Now she is about to meet her match in more ways than one: a handsome yet infuriating Warlock named Hugh Marsh, whose agenda is as suspect as his charms are annoyingly irresistible.

What is the publishing world going to do once everyone has had enough of Steampunk? That's a question for another day I think.

I'm not too sure about this one. Steampunk? Yes. Urban Fantasy? Maybe. Paranormal Romance? No, not at all. 'A Conspiracy of Alchemists' (to be published in March next year) is all three so I'm not in a mad rush to pick this one up? What about you?


  1. I see the words "Handsome" and "Warlock", and run a mile I'm afraid..

  2. Looking forward to this one, too!


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