Wednesday 14 November 2012

Giveaway! 'Rogue Trooper: Tales of Nu Earth 03'

I've got this one on the go at the moment but two copies also arrived for me to give away so I figured... why not do it now?

As the Norts and Southers wage war on the battle-torn world of Nu-Earth, the genetically-engineered soldier, Rogue trooper, continues to search for an antigen which will restore his bio-chipped comrades to life. If that wasn't enough to deal with, Rogue is also recruited to carry out a string of assassinations, in an attempt to end the war once and for all!

I'll actually be posting the winning copies out myself (i.e. out of my own pocket) so I'm keeping this one UK only in terms of entrants. Sorry about that everyone else.

For those of you who are left, entering is as easy as ever. All you need to do is drop me an email (address at the top right hand of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be 'Rogue Trooper'.

I'm going to let this one run until this Sunday (18th November) and will announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!

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