Sunday 11 November 2012

Cover Art! 'Out for Blood' (Kristen Painter)

It's very unlikely that I'll be picking this one up, for the simple reason that it's Book Four and I haven't read the other three... It's not like I don't have other long winded series to get all caught up on first ;o) Doesn't the cover look lovely though?

Gorgeous isn't it? Loads of lovely detail but, like I said, the cover is about as far as I'm likely to get here. Has anyone else read this series?

Here's some blurb if you're interested...

Will she ever be free?

After nearly dying Chrysabelle finds new determination to move beyond life as a comarré and grasp hold of some normality. Until a new task is brought to her doorstep: rescue the child kidnapped by her rival Tatiana, or Mal becomes enemy number one.

But before Chrysabelle can begin that mission, the mayor declares a curfew in Paradise City in order to control its othernatural population. A close friend gets caught and when Mal takes his place, the mayor decides to make an example of him. Running to Mal's rescue, Chrysabelle unwittingly unleashes a power that's lain dormant in him for centuries...

1 comment:

  1. That is some gorgeous art! Definitely something that would make me take a second look at the novel, that's for sure!


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