Friday 26 October 2012

SF Gateway to publish Michael Scott Rohan's 'Winter of the World' trilogy (and I'm very pleased to hear it!)

When I answered those questions for Jo Fletcher Books (link down the page) I mentioned that some of my favourite books were Michael Scott Rohan's original 'Winter of the World' trilogy. Regular readers of the blog will already know this; I spoke about the first trilogy Here (might need to reappraise my opinion of the 'tedious descriptions of smithcraft' though...) and the second series over Here.

These books can be found on Amazon (ridiculously cheap) and I'd always recommend them. The other day, I was told that SF Gateway will be publishing the first two books ('The Anvil of Ice' and 'The Forge in the Forest') as ebooks early next month. Thanks for the heads up Simon! ;o) Shame they're going for the plain yellow cover rather than the gorgeous Ian Miller originals though.

I'm a self confessed fan of these books but they are worth the read anyway, no doubt about it. It's long past time I had a re-read so I'll be picking up 'The Anvil of Ice' and 'The Forge in the Forest', aiming for reviews in early November. You Kindle owners could do a lot worse than head over to Amazon and grab yourselves copies (£2.99, if I didn't already have second hand copies then I'd fork out the cash).


  1. It is a great series and absolutely deserves a re-read. What I wonder is if it is a retelling of the saga of Volund (Weyland the smith).

  2. I read these books when they first came out in the late 80s and loved every word. Wonderful, evocative setting, with the sense that mankind clings to its place and the world and out in the wild, great powers lurk. Very, very fond memories of this series.

  3. It's not a retelling of the saga of Volund/Weyland but it's easy to see that stories about the main character became stories about Volund/Weyland.


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