Tuesday 16 October 2012

‘Predators’ (2010)

My reading schedule, for the week, has been turned upside down due to, well… All sorts of stuff really :o) Everything has been put back by a day so there will still be reviews for this week! In the meantime, I finally got to watch ‘Predators’ the other day (only two years after it was released, that’s pretty good for me…) so here’s a few of my thoughts to tide things over until reviews start up again tomorrow. I’m not going to bother with a blurb, partly because I’m sure you’ve already all seen it but also because…

I really enjoyed ‘Predators’, mostly because it didn’t mess around with the classic plot (not like ‘Predator 2’ did although I enjoyed that for different reasons). You know what I mean, a group of hardened killers in the jungle suddenly discovering that they share it with a killer that’s even more hardened than they are. If it isn’t broken then don’t fix it ;o)
Basically rehashing the original does come with its own problems though. Our ‘heroes’ may not know what’s going on but we do, having all seen the original, and we know what’s coming as a result. Royce’s climactic fight, with the last Predator standing, was very cool but borrowed a little too much from Dutch’s fight (in the original) to make it really compelling; I’d seen it all before… Taking the action ‘off world’ is a relatively decent way to get round this as it asks new questions of our team which does lead to interesting developments (although the ‘revelation’ about Edwin wasn’t much of a revelation, saw that one coming). Adding a little bit of variety to the Predators didn’t do a lot for the plot (they don’t really make much use of their different skills) but having more than one keeps the film moving along nicely. You can kill one but the threat remains as deadly as it was. Hanzo’s sword fight with a Predator made for a nice touch though, expanding on the fight (between Billy and the Predator) that we never got to see in the original.
Some of the alien ‘fauna’ makes for decent viewing as well with the hunting beast’s attack making for a few gripping moments (the CGI looked convincing to me). I did wonder though if a trick was missed not having a few Aliens hiding in the trees, especially after you see those bits of skin in the cages…

Not a bad film at all then but maybe a little too similar to the original to really stand out in its own right. ‘Predators’ was a lot of fun to watch in the meantime though, how could it not be when you have heavily armed soldiers going up against alien hunters with Laurence Fishburne cackling away in the background?


  1. I've not really seen the original, so the remake would be completely lost on me :) I really should give it a go, though.

    After the Conan remake, then the Predators remake, I think you should watch the Total Recall remake and complete the cycle of Arnie :)


  2. Great review! I didn't see this one either--but only because I so much prefer the original! :D

  3. The "Total Recall" remake was pretty much a remake in name only. So many story elements were changed that it probably should have bore another title.

    You know how when you see a made for TV movie and there is a blurb at the beginning that say "Based on a true story." Maybe they should put a disclaimer at the beginning of these so called remakes like Conan, Total Recall, and even Battlestar Galactica, that says (Loosely based on an earlier movie or program.)...


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