Thursday 25 October 2012

One for 2013? 'The Six Gun Tarot' (R.S. Belcher)

The end of the year is in sight and (once again) that means I'm starting to find advance copies of next years books landing on the doorstep. And so the 'One for...?' posts were born; a little 'heads up' here and there highlighting books that I think could be worth taking a look at :o) Books like this one for example...

Nevada, 1869: Beyond the pitiless 40-Mile Desert lies Golgotha, a cattle town that hides more than its share of unnatural secrets. The sheriff bears the mark of the noose around his neck; some say he is a dead man whose time has not yet come. His half-human deputy is kin to coyotes. The mayor guards a hoard of mythical treasures. A banker’s wife belongs to a secret order of assassins. And a shady saloon owner, whose fingers are in everyone’s business, may know more about the town’s true origins than he’s letting on.

A haven for the blessed and the damned, Golgotha has known many strange events, but nothing like the primordial darkness stirring in the abandoned silver mine overlooking the town. Bleeding midnight, an ancient evil is spilling into the world, and unless the sheriff and his posse can saddle up in time, Golgotha will have seen its last dawn…and so will all of Creation.

I got to admit that this one caught my eye because of the great time I had reading Lee Collins' 'The Dead of Winter', I'm really after reading more fantasy type stuff in a Wild West setting :o) 'The Six Gun Tarot' looks like it's taking things a lot further than 'The Dead of Winter' though and I'm cool with that, the weirder the better :o)

'The Six Gun Tarot' will be published in January next year (don't know the exact date, not that publication dates seem to matter these days...) and I'm hoping to give it a go a little before then, how about you? Is this a book that you can see yourself picking up?

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