Sunday 7 October 2012

An Apologetic Competition Winner’s Post…

Because I find myself full of apologies today :o( Here goes…

So yeah, sorry that this post has been over a week in coming. Not only were things a little crazy here (after Majorca) but, when we got back, I thought I’d pack as many reviews as I could onto the blog to make up for a ‘review light’ month in September. I should hopefully have a few more to come this week but still, sorry this post didn’t happen over a week ago. Thanks for waiting!

And as far as ‘waiting’ goes, an apology is owed to those people waiting on their copies of ‘Stormdancer’. I didn’t realise that these hadn’t gone out but, now that I do, I’m on it like, erm… I’m on it :o) These should hopefully be posted to you this week.

And talking of ‘posted’, Adam Wallace… Your copy of ‘The Guv’nor’ is going in the post tomorrow morning. I am really sorry that it has been sat on my bookshelf since late August. Apparently, I’m much better at posting competitions on the blog than I am posting the books myself… :o(

Phew! That’s me unburdened. Right, onto the winners of all those competitions that I set up to run while I was away. Here goes…

‘Black Bottle’ (Anthony Huso)

Caleb Billman, Michigan, US

‘Existence’ (David Brin)

Kasey Azevedo, California, US 

‘Doctor Who: The Wheel of Ice’ (Stephen Baxter)

Emma Mason, Nottinghamshire, UK
Joanna Sawka, London, UK
James Holyland, Leicester, UK

The ‘No Man’s World’ Trilogy (Pat Kelleher)

Phil Darling, Stowmarket, UK
Keith Phillips, Birmingham, UK

Nice work there everyone! I’ll be sending your details across, to the publishers, tomorrow morning so hopefully you won’t have too long to wait until your books arrive :o)

In the meantime, I’ll be doing my utmost to pack the coming week full of more reviews for you. There’s a couple of Black Library books that will definitely feature and I’m working my way through ‘Whispers Underground’ as well. Fingers crossed, I might even take this afternoon off and crack open one of those big thick books that I don’t have the time to read anymore. Hmmm…
There will also be at least one comic book/graphic novel featured. My heart says, ‘ooh, read the ‘Hobbit’ graphic novel’ but my head says, ‘that copy of ‘Morning Glories Vol. 3’ has been sat on the shelf for far too long’. Could go either way, which one would you pick?

See you tomorrow ;o)

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