Monday 3 September 2012

Which Cover Would You Go For? 'Wards of Faerie' (Terry Brooks)

I've been having a bit of a book cull this morning, not that you'd think it looking at the books left on the shelves :o) Oh well, a little book cull is better than no book cull at all!
While I was putting books in bags I realised that I have two copies of Terry Brooks' 'Wards of Faerie', the latest Shannara book. I've never really got on with this series (although I did like the trilogy that bridged 'Shannara' and 'The Word and the Void') but 'Wards of Faerie' looks like it could be a good place to start so I'll give it a go at some point.

With two books, both with different covers, in front of me the time seemed right for an impromptu 'Which cover would you go for?' post before I take all these books to the charity shop. So, here goes...

The US Cover

The UK Cover

You know what? I really can't call it here. One cover decides to hint at evil by whacking a large dragons skull on the front; the other does something weird with a broken coin. Both look pretty bland from where I'm sat, doing nothing that hasn't already been done in fantasy cover art. Colour me unimpressed...

What about you though? What cover (if either) do you like the most? Comments in the usual place please :o)


  1. I'm with you that they're both looking a little bland and uninspired, but the UK cover has my vote. Dragon skulls get me every time :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  2. Yeah, I don't like either one. They don't really tell me anything and aren't even aesthetically pleasing and while they seem simple, whoever put them together tried to include too many pieces and they are both cluttered.

  3. I like the US one here, more.


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