Tuesday 18 September 2012

The 'Is that really the time...?' Competition Winner's Post!

Sorry about that... In my defence, we've been cleaning the house today and I used the spare time to finally finish off 'Grendel'. There will be a review tomorrow but lets just say that it was superb in the meantime :o)

So, competition winners. Thanks to everyone who entered the 'Cold Commands' competition last week, always nice to see :o) There could only be the three winners though and they were...

Chris Miller, Maryland, USA
Emma Engel, Oregon, USA
Patrick Petzall, Ontario, Canada

Well done guys, your books should be on their way shortly (if not sooner) 

So, what else can you expect from the blog over the next week and a bit? I've already mentioned the 'Grendel' review and I want to have another review up on Thursday; not sure what that will be though. After that? Well, I'm taking a little break to get caught up with my reading (because there's a whole pile of half finished books in the house) and generally just chill out a little. That's not to say that the blog will stop though, I've got a couple of little posts all scheduled, for the weekend, and some competitions to take us through to next Thursday. Yep, competitions :o) It's not original at all but I need a break and... free books?

See you tomorrow ;o)

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