Monday 10 September 2012

The 'Disappointing but Informative Afternoon...' Competition Winner's Post!

What an afternoon... This was an afternoon where we got into London literally minutes after the Olympic victory parade finished. An afternoon containing a surprising bank statement (not a good one either). An afternoon where my two year old daughter managed to sneak two large boxes of M&M's out of the M&M store without anyone noticing (boy was my face red when I had to take them back). An afternoon where I realised that my taste buds have grown up and moved away from KFC (that really hurt)... I have learned a few things though, not least of which is to keep an eye on Hope (when she's in chocolate shops) and to stick with McDonalds in future :o)

Anyway, winners! I'm talking about the winners of last week's 'Stormdancer' competition in particular, thanks to everyone who entered by the way. There could only be a certain number of winners though and they were,

 Daphne Lao, London, UK
Kelly Hooper, St Ives, UK
Ina Martin, Corby, UK
Stewart Feasey-Edwards, Shoeburyness, UK
Melissa Symonds, Carshalton, UK

Well done guys! Your books should hopefully be on their way to you very soon. Better luck next time everyone else, which reminds me...

Just so people don't think that I only do these things for UK/US readers (and I know that some commenters here aren't happy about that)... I really don't. As much as I'd love to run more worldwide competitions, I'm at the mercy of the publishers who (for a whole load of reasons, like copyright issues for example) are only able to send these books to certain countries.Sorry about that.

Anyway, enough of that. The rest of this week will see me finally finish 'The Dirty Streets of Heaven' and review it here. I'm getting to some good bits so this will happen :o) As for the rest of it? Not sure right now, I did pick up a copy of 'Flowers for Algernon' today so I might read that. It does look good. Lets see how it goes...

See you tomorrow :o)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Thanks for the win!
    And I would think about taking Hope round Harrods food department next! ;-)


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