Sunday 23 September 2012

Slightly Bemusing Cover Art... 'Under the Dome' (Stephen King)

This was originally going to be a post about the worst cover art on my shelves until I realised that I'd shown you all the old Moorcock covers already... ;o)

Whilst browsing my shelves, I saw the cover for 'Under the Dome' (a book that I still need to read) and it got me thinking. Check it out and see what you think,

The little girl can't be on the outside, staring at the dome, because that would be pointless (in terms of the cover) wouldn't it? That means the little girl is stood 'Under the Dome' staring, well... out. This is all well and good until you realise that the dome is invisible and you can't see it behind her... What you have then is a cover that is hamstrung by the whole point of the plot. I mean, there's nothing interesting about a person staring blankly at something we can't see... Is there?


  1. I live in the states, so perhaps the cover art for the American edition is different. I have never seen that cover, but you are right. It makes no sense.

    It is a decent, if not overlong book. He could have shed a couple hundred pages between pages 500-800. It slows down there quite a bit.

  2. It also looks like a photo that he may have taken at home of his neighbour's child ...

  3. Oh.Come.On.
    That's just LAZY.

  4. There was I thinking it was quite a realistic looking dome!

  5. And that's not the only cover. They did four or five others each featuring a different character staring at nothing.

  6. There are about four different covers of different people - staring. Four times as pointless. And don't hurry to start reading it - you are not missing anything. - Ian


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