Monday 3 September 2012

New Books for the Reading Pile...

Well, it's more like a reading... I don't know anymore, there are books everywhere at the moment. I'm more than cool with that though; I don't think I'll ever be short of something to read :o)

Just got back, last night, from a weekend away at my folks, to find a couple more books waiting on the doorstep for me. Check em' out :o)

Do you like the way that I've managed to include a silhouette of my hands and the camera here? Stupid phone... I'd normally say something about the cover art here but there's only so much that you can say about what other people have already said about the book. This copy of Evie Manieri's 'Blood's Pride' is an advance copy festooned with all the nice stuff others have said about it. I didn't need to be told, I was already sold on the blurb and hunted this copy down myself. Here's the blurb in question...

A generation has passed since the Norlanders’ great ships bore down on Shadar, and the Dead Ones slashed and burned the city into submission, enslaving the Shadari people. Now the Norlander governor is dying and, as his three alienated children struggle against the crushing isolation of their lives, the Shadari rebels spot their opening and summon the Mongrel, a mysterious mercenary warrior who has never yet lost a battle. But her terms are unsettling: she will name her price only after the Norlanders have been defeated.A single question is left for the Shadari: is there any price too high for freedom?

The other book was...

Cora and her husband hunt things – things that shouldn’t exist.When the marshal of Leadville, Colorado, comes across a pair of mysterious deaths, he turns to Cora to find the creature responsible. But if Cora is to overcome the unnatural tide threatening to consume the small town, she must first confront her own tragic past as well as her present.

First things first, I'm a sucker for Chris McGrath's cover art and he's done it again here with another good one. The blurb did look a little too 'Urban Fantasy' for my tastes but then I realised that I haven't covered any 'Old West Urban Fantasy/Horror' and I am supposed to be all about getting out of a reading rut. With that in mind I started reading 'The Dead of Winter' at teatime and pretty much kept on going until I stopped to write this post. The short conclusion is that it's excellent so far, I should hopefully have something a little more indepth for you later this week :o)

Do either of these two books appeal to you? Go on, leave a comment and let me know what you think of them...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a sucker for Chris McGrath as well. I'll have to check that one out.


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