Sunday 16 September 2012

It's that time of year again :o)

I'm taking the day off so it can slowly sink in that I'm not too far away from turning forty. Oh yes, and to eat lots of cake and generally be made a big fuss of :o) I might even do some reading if there's time.

Have a good one today. Come back tomorrow when I'm part of Evie Manieri's blog tour for 'Blood's Pride' :o)


  1. Happy Birthday!

    So your still a 30plus which is quite young from my point of you as I'm a 50plus ...

    Enjoy life!

  2. Happy almost birthday! We'll bring cake :)

  3. Many happy returns, sir! I will eat cake today in your honour. :)

  4. Think of it as- You're not getting older, just wiser and more comfortable with yourself...

  5. Cheers guys, zombie pinata and Dalek pizza was only the half of it... ;o)

  6. Happy birthday! Very excited to be kicking off the blog tour here tomorrow.

  7. Happy Birthday! from the colonies, Graeme. Hope you had a great day.


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