Saturday 1 September 2012

Giveaway! 'Stormdancer' (Jay Kristoff)

Thanks to those lovely people at Tor, I have five copies of what is fast looking like a great read (just started reading it last night) to give away on the blog. Here's the blurb...

Griffins are supposed to be extinct. So when Yukiko and her warrior father are sent to capture one for the Shōgun, they fear that their lives are over. Everyone knows what happens to those who fail him. But the mission proves less impossible and more deadly than anyone expects. Soon Yukiko finds herself stranded: a young woman alone in her country’s last wilderness, with only a furious, crippled griffin for company. Alhough she can hear his thoughts, and saved his life, all she knows for certain is he’d rather see her dead than help her. Yet trapped together in the forest, Yukiko and Buruu form a surprising and powerful bond. Meanwhile, the country verges on collapse. A toxic fuel is choking the land, the machine-powered Lotus Guild is publicly burning those they deem Impure, and the Shōgun cares for nothing but his own dominion. Authority has always made Yukiko uneasy, but her world changes when she meets Kin, a young man with secrets, and the rebel Kagé cabal. She learns the horrifying extent of the Shōgun’s crimes, both against her country and her family. Returning to the city, Yukiko and Buruu are determined to make the Shōgun pay – but what can one girl and a flightless griffin do against the might of an empire?

Like I said, it's looking very good so far. Would you like a copy? Of course you would :o) The only thing is, this competition is only open to people living in the UK... Sorry about that everyone else.

If you're still here then you know what to do next. Simply drop me an email telling me who you are and what your postal address is (the email address is at the top right hand side of the page). The subject header needs to be 'Stormdancer'. I'll do the rest.

I'll let this competition run until the 9th of September and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you all know that we nominated you for the one lovely blog award.


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