Sunday 12 August 2012

What I'm reading right now...

I'm in and out of several books at the moment and for a whole load of reasons (the usual ones as well as a couple that will become clearer in time). When I'm busy like this I find myself skimming a few pages, from different books, here and there and waiting for that moment when something clicks and I just carry on reading until I'm done. Here is the pile of books that is currently sat next to the bed. No promises when a review will be posted, just that it will happen sooner or later...

This is a great book to read as the format (collected short stories/novellas) doesn't put the pressure on to finish it all in one go. That's the kind of reading I enjoy, right now, and am planning to take my time over this one. You should give it a go though, I haven't read a bad story yet.

Purely because I wanted to read something with gladiators in it; I can be incredibly shallow sometimes :o)

Same deal as above but swap 'gladiators' for 'superheroes' :o) I also never got round to picking up 'Empire State' (really need to) so this is my attempt at getting caught up with Adam Christopher without it looking too much like I'm lagging behind...

There's a lot of great Warhammer fiction that gets overlooked in favour of its far future counterpart. I reviewed 'Fear to Tread' yesterday so am balancing things out by starting on 'Orion' as well.

Because I haven't been able to finish the last two books and there's enough there to make me really want to. I'm hoping that going back to the very beginning of Morlock Ambrosius' life should give me a little more impetus. That and this is a very short book, I love short books right now ;o)

This is the book getting the most attention, at the moment, and rightly so. I'm a big fan of Tad Williams and reading a new book of his always feels like coming home :o)

That's what's on the pile at the moment. What are you reading? Do you think I should be reading it too?


  1. Seven Wonders!! You lucky bugger! Got that on my wishlist, along with Mockingbird (great review and it got mentioned on Chuck's site).

  2. Seven Wonders looks awesome, and I've got Tad Williams in my TBR pile :)


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