Thursday 2 August 2012

This book looks like it could be interesting...

Do you remember my having a tiny rant, way back in January last year, about the Suvudu Writing Contest? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't, it really wasn't much of a rant by internet standards, I'm still more hacked off about not being able to find a decent Pretzel over here *pauses for a wistful moment to remember that Pretzel I had in New York*...

Where was I? Oh yes, I'd forgotten all about the contest until an Advance Copy of 'Bad Glass' arrived in the post a few days ago. Even then, it was only when I read the blurb (last night) that the whole thing clicked for me. Check it out,

One of the most hauntingly original dark fantasy debuts in years—perfect for fans of Lost and Mark Danielewski’s cult classic, House of Leaves.

Something has happened in Spokane. The military has evacuated the city and locked it down. Even so, disturbing rumors and images seep out, finding their way onto the Internet, spreading curiosity, skepticism, and panic. For what they show is—or should be—impossible: strange creatures that cannot exist, sudden disappearances that violate the laws of physics, human bodies fused with inanimate objects, trapped yet still half alive. . . .

Dean Walker, an aspiring photographer, sneaks into the quarantined city in search of fame. What he finds will change him in unimaginable ways. Hooking up with a group of outcasts led by a beautiful young woman named Taylor, Dean embarks on a journey into the heart of a mystery whose philosophical implications are as terrifying as its physical manifestations. Even as he falls in love with Taylor—a woman as damaged and seductive as the city itself—his already tenuous hold on reality starts to come loose. Or perhaps it is Spokane’s grip on the world that is coming undone.

Now, caught up in a web of interlacing secrets and betrayals, Dean, Taylor, and their friends must make their way through this ever-shifting maze of a city, a city that is actively hunting them down, herding them toward a shocking destiny.

I've never read 'House of Leaves' although my little brother swears by it. Or at it, I'm never too sure... I've never seen 'Lost' either but there's something about the premise here that really intrigues to me. There also seems to be loads of these 'Cut the Agent out of the loop and send us your manuscripts' competition and I find myself really keen, all of a sudden, to see what the results are like. 'Bad Glass' is as good a place as any to start :o)

'Bad Glass' has a tentative release date of late September, and it's August now, so... I reckon I'll be into this one as soon as I've finished 'Blood and Feathers' (which is getting better with each page, in a good way). Has anyone else read 'Bad Glass' yet?

1 comment:

  1. Not read it but it does sound good. I'll look forward to your review. Liking the cover with all those photos.


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