Friday 24 August 2012

Synopsis for 'Blood and Feathers: Rebellion'

If we make it through the whole 'end of the world thing', in December, 'Blood and Feathers: Rebellion' is one of the books that I'm already looking forward to in 2013. Check out my review for 'Blood and Feathers', over Here, and you'll see why.

Solaris have officially announced that they are publishing 'Blood and Feathers: Rebellion' (which I thought was more or less a done deal but there you go...) and have released a short synopsis to get the ball rolling. Here it is,

“This is a war. The war. There is no stopping; no getting out. You're in this – just like the rest of us – to the end.” Driven out of hell and with nothing to lose, the Fallen wage open warfare against the angels on the streets of our cities. And they're winning.
As the balance tips towards the darkness, Alice – barely recovered from her own ordeal in hell and struggling to start over – once again finds herself in the eye of the storm.
But with the chaos spreading and the Archangel Michael determined to destroy Lucifer whatever the cost, is the price simply too high; and what sacrifices will Alice and the angels have to make in order to pay it? The Fallen will rise. Trust will be betrayed. And all hell will break loose.

I'm in and, if you're not already, you should be too.


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