Saturday 4 August 2012

Giveaway! 'Blood and Feathers' (Lou Morgan)

In something of a first for this blog, just recently anyway, I've actually finished a book (lucky for me that I already had a few waiting to be reviewed). Go me!
Lou Morgan's debut 'Blood and Feathers' had a few choppy moments but shook them off really easily and ended up being a really absorbing read, I loved it. You'll see my review early next week but in the meantime, how do you fancy winning yourself a copy? Have some cover art and blurb to help make your mind up...

Alice isn't having the best of days: she got rained on, missed her bus, was late for work. When two angels arrive, claiming her life so far is a lie, it turns epic, grand-scale worse. The war between the angels and the Fallen is escalating; an age-old balance is tipping, and innocent civilians are getting caught in the cross-fire. the angels must act to restore the balance - or risk the Fallen taking control. Forever. Hunted by the Fallen and guided by Mallory - a disgraced angel with a drinking problem - alice will learn the truth about her own history... and why the angels want to send her to hell. What do the Fallen want from her? How does Mallory know so much about her past? What is it the angels are hiding and can she trust either side? Caught between the power plays of the angels and Lucifer himself, it isn't just hell's demons that Alice will have to defeat...

Thanks to Solaris, I have two copies of 'Blood and Feathers' to give away here. I should point out right now though that this competition is only open to people living in the UK

If you're still reading then you know what to do next. Drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be 'Blood and Angels'. I'll do everything else ;o)

I'll let this one run until the 12th of August and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. I just got this book- glad to hear it's good!

  2. That cover is gorgeous. Another I think I would quite happily hang on the wall!


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