Thursday 23 August 2012

Free Reading! Excerpt from Stefan Petrucha's 'Dead Mann Running'

The excerpt isn't actually here, you can click Here to access it via Petrucha's website or Here to go straight to the PDF (probably a little easier if you don't want to go searching for the excerpt link on the site). Here's some cover art and blurb to help make your mind up for you...

Just because a bullet has your name on it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t duck… 

Either I’m stubborn, or it’s rigor mortis, but being dead didn’t stop me from being a detective or finding my wife’s killer. But it’s tough out there for a zombie, and lately it’s been getting tougher. These days the life-challenged have to register and take monthly tests to prove our emotional stability. See, if my kind gets too low, we go feral. I’ve been feeling a little down lately myself… 

So when a severed arm—yeah, just the arm—leaves a mysterious briefcase at my office, my assistant, Misty, thinks figuring out where it came from will keep me on track. But this case goes deeper and darker than I imagined, and my imagination gets pretty dark. Turns out the people after it know more about my past life than I can remember, and even more about what I’ve become.

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