Monday 6 August 2012

A Competition Winner! (Early Evening Edition)

Because it's been a bit of a busy one today... Trying to gently pry Hope loose from the playground equipment (she didn't want to go home...), a spot of house tidying, a visit from my folks (and watching the subsequent Grandparent/Grand Daughter love in...) and then a whole load of job hunting. Yep out of work again and looking for something to pay the bills (although something that I enjoy would be good as well, I know there are jobs like that out there).

A day like today doesn't leave me a lot of time to post but I'm going for it! :o)

Thanks to everyone who entered last weeks competition to win copies of 'Midnight Riot', 'Moon over Soho' and 'Whispers Underground'. One lucky person has some great reading ahead of them and that lucky person was...

April Vrugtman, Florida, USA

Well done April :o) Your books should be on their way to you right now.

A short (but hopefully sweet) one today then. The plan though is to make up for that, over the next few days, with reviews of Chuck Wendig's 'Mockingbird' and Lou Morgan's 'Blood and Feathers' amongst other things; there will more likely than not be a comic book review (either 'The Guv'nor' or 'Morning Glories Vol 3') and some Doctor Who as well. Sounds good to me.

See you tomorrow :o)


  1. Congrats, April! I've only read Rivers of London, but I was quickly hooked and now I want more.

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  2. Woohoo! Congratulations to me! I can't wait to get these. Thank you Graeme and the publisher for the giveaway!


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