Thursday 5 July 2012

They don't do covers like this anymore (and that's got to be a good thing)...

I found this, a couple of days ago, and it won't be read for a little while yet. Doesn't mean we can't all have a little chuckle at the cover though, does it? I was going to write something about the cover but I really don't need to. It says everything it needs to say all by itself :o) I can imagine the conversation...

Artist: "So we've got this science fiction tale with some politics thrown in. What sort of thing do you want for the cover? Are we talking the revolution of the masses? Do you want a picture of the Fireclown delivering his oratory?"

Publisher: "Dude, just have a smoke of this and go with whatever feels right. We'll put it on the cover."

It did get me thinking though. Bloggers, and the lovely people who comment, do love to have a good moan about the generic covers we get these days; hooded warriors/assassins and the like. The next time you do that, have a look at this cover again. That's the alternative.

A hooded guy may be generic but at least it's vaguely relevant to what's in the book. Moan too much and we could be looking at a descent back into cover art anarchy. Just saying... ;o)


  1. LOL. Agree! This cover is hilarious. It makes me wonder what's in the book!

  2. I have to admit... I thought the same about the hooded figure. I just didn't say it. At least not to you. Much grumbling was had this side of the screen. I shall chuckle away at this cover instead whenever I feel the urge to grumble in future...

    It's only jealousy really. I could never paint anything as good as those hooded figures... or even this cover!

  3. Cheers, Graeme. I didn't want to sleep tonight anyways :) That thing is pretty creepy looking. Reminds me of Chet from Weird Science.

  4. There has to be a middle ground between um, uber creepy and completely bland.

    I do believe I have bad dreams in my future now. Thanks for that.


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