Monday 30 July 2012

The ‘Didn’t get back until midnight…’ Competition Winner’s Post!

Over eighty thousand people went to the Olympic football games last night and after the final whistle, at half nine, they all tried to get into one tube station to catch a train home. It took me an hour and a quarter to get from my seat, in the stadium, to a seat on the train. Some great football and a bacon roll (a really nice one as well) made up for it but, an hour and a quarter… That is why this post hasn’t appeared until the tail end of the day. That and a daughter who just wanted to watch Peppa Pig (although she did say “I want to see the Daleks…”)

Enough of that though. I really need to get on and announce some competition winners before the end of the day :o) Thanks to everyone who entered by the way, even the person who thought that using my email address as a subject header would make her entry stand out. It did but only because I didn’t know what competition she was entering…
Anyway, winners…

‘The Passage’

Joseph A. Gervasi, Philadelphia, USA
Donna Simmonds, Missouri, USA
Charles Fraker, Virginia, USA

‘Kop Killer’

Scott Robinson, Australia
Jannick Verleysen, Belgium
Tvrtko Ivanisevic, Zagreb, Croatia

Nice work there guys :o) Your books will be on their way to you very soon. Better luck next time everyone else. There is another competition on the go right now, scroll down a little and see if it takes your fancy.

So, what else can you expect to see from me this week? Not a clue is the honest answer. A lot of my time will be taken up with job hunting and playing with Hope which doesn’t leave a lot of time for reading. Me being me though, it’s a pretty safe bet that there will be at least one zombie book reviewed this week and I’ve got some comics that I want to talk about as well. It’s all a little bit vague right now but it’s still going to be great. See you tomorrow :o)


  1. I won! Thank you. The vampires and I will have a delightful time together.

  2. Yay! I'm looking forward to reading this. Thanks, Graeme.

  3. Thanks! I just got back from vacation and didn't see this post...but I got a nice surprise from the mailman today :D

  4. I didn't notice this post either.. and a lovely hard cover book arrived in the mail today. Thanks.

    Has been added to my pile. Damn that ever growing pile.


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