Friday 13 July 2012

Some Solaris Cover Art...

A couple of books, from Solaris, arrived last night and they got me thinking... You're a publisher with two books that you want to sell really well. Cover art sells a book (no doubt about it, if not to serious fans then definitely to the casual browser) so what do you do? This is what Solaris did...

Did the cover art budget only stretch to a 'book and a half' or are people banking on 'Besieged' being the book that shifts the most copies? Hardly seems fair on 'Hush' either way. I would have thought that if you want both books to sell then you give both of them a decent cover...

Out of some weird sense of solidarity (what? I'm tired...) I'll be giving 'Hush' a go as soon as I finish 'Mockingbird', even though I haven't read the prequel 'Greatshadow'. Sometimes you've got to stick up for the little guy ;o)


  1. Great shadow is excellent. One of the best books I have read this year. Highly recommended.

    As for cover art, I just don't get the appeal of "realistic" covers. I highly prefer the cover for Hush and I often find myself pushing books to the bottom of the pile when they look like old romance novels. I can't understand how a fantasy or sci-fi reader would prefer this type of cover art.

  2. Funny, I like the cover art for Hush much better than Besieged. Besieged to me looks like they are trying to rip off the look of Daenerys in the telly version of Game of Thrones and has no appeal whatsoever

  3. Hush is a lot of fun, and I think the cover is at least an improvement on Greatshadow!!

    All of the Clint Langley covers are beautiful...I really enjoyed Besieged, but think I prefer the King Rolen's Kin books if I'm honest.

  4. Well, they did apparently manage to mis-spell "Besieged" on the cover, which I suppose makes up for things a bit... :p


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